emergency situation can feel overwhelming.
Prepare for the Call
Calling in an emergency
situation can feel overwhelming. Thinking through the process now
will make you calmer in the face of a crisis. Call for help if you’re treating
the injured person or if you
find are the injured person. If someone comes, have him
or her call 000, if not call yourself. You will be asked if you need a fire
rescue team, the police, or an ambulance. Give the call-taker your phone
number, address, and tell them specifically where the person requiring
assistance is located on the property. Describe as concisely and specifically
what happened, who was involved, and the injured person’s age and gender.
The call-taker will also want
to know if th
house e person is conscious or breathing. Stay on the line. They might
have more questions or instructions. Prepare for when the ambulance arrives by
unlocking the door and if your location is difficult to find, send someone else
to help the rescue team figure out where to go. Try to stay level headed and
just do the bes
business t you can.
Now that you’ve learned about
all aspects of calling an ambulance you’ll be prepared if the time comes to
make that call. Stay calm and make the best decision for the given situation.
It’s important to plan ahead for crisis circumstances, so do your due diligence
and know what your health insurance or state covers, recognize the telltale
signs of needing an ambulance, and stay focused and on-topic when talking to
the call-takers so that they can best inform the dispatchers of your needs.
Take a deep breath, and you’ll get through just fine.
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